Seafood Cornwall Training Health and Safety Policy
Our Health and Safety Policy as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 clearly defines the way we manage the health and safety hazards and risks associated with our business, premises and activities.
Cornwall Seafood Training Limited are committed to managing health and safety effectively to protect our employees and other persons with whom we interact because we recognise that we have not only a moral and legal duty but also that our employees are our greatest asset.
Our Health and Safety Policy Statement sets out our commitment and the objectives we aspire to in managing health and safety. It is signed by the most senior person in our organisation to demonstrate that our commitment is led from the top.
Our approach to managing health and safety will be pragmatic and proportionate and will be prioritised according to risk with the objective of maintaining continuous improvement. We accept that we cannot eliminate risk from everything we do but we can manage risk in such a way that exposure to hazards is controlled as far as is reasonably practical.
We recognise that improvement in health and safety will not happen by chance and that planning to manage using a systematic approach through risk assessment is a necessary first step and an ongoing process. In moving forwards we will wherever possible eliminate risk through selection and design of buildings, facilities, equipment and processes. Where risks cannot be eliminated they will be minimised by the use of physical controls or, as a last resort, through systems of work and personal protection.