The International Labour Organization Work in Fishing Convention, known as ILO C188, introduced medical certification for fishermen, which came into force in the UK in 2018.

In the UK the decision was made to phase in the requirements for medical certification. This decision was made in consultation with representatives of fishing vessel owners and fishermen.

The phased approach means that fishermen require a medical certificate from 30 November 2023 – 5 years after the legislation came into force.

Fishermen who undertook a commercial medical exam before the November deadline were eligible to apply for Grandfather right’s for pre-existing medical conditions.

To work on a fishing vessel you must have a medical certificate in either the form of an ENG1 (or accepted equivalent) or an ML5.


An ML5 can be used by those working on vessels under 24 metres, operating within 200 miles of the UK coast and for less than 72 hours at a time. To apply you can print a form from the Seafarers medical certification guidance on GOV.UK, and take it to your GP or a UK General Medical Council registered doctor. An ML5 is valid for a maximum period of 5 years or until your 65th birthday, or one year if you are 65 years or older.


An ENG 1 or accepted equivalent is required for those who are on vessels at sea for more than 72 hours, or operating more than 200 miles from the coastline of the UK or beyond the Continental shelf, or are subject to inspection in a foreign port. An ENG1 must be completed by a Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA)-approved doctor. You can find a list of approved UK-based doctors on GOV.UK. An ENG1 is valid for a maximum period of 2 years

Who needs an ML5 certificate?

Any fisherman working on a fishing vessel that is under 24 metres in length and does not normally remain at sea for more than 72 hours or operates further than 200 miles from the UK coastline

Who needs an ENG1 Certificate?

Any fisherman on fishing vessels on voyages more than 72 hours, or operating more than 200 miles from the coastline of the UK or beyond the Continental shelf, or are subject to inspection in a foreign port

GrandFather Rights
Seasonal Worker Extension. 30th April 2024

The MCA has announced that access to grandfather rights for seasonal fishermen has been extended to April 2024. If you do not work over the winter of 2023/24 you will now have until 30th April 2024 to be eligible for grandfather rights for pre-existing medical conditions. The MCA advises to still prioritise getting a commercial medical certificate (ML5/ENG1) as soon as possible .

Table to show the difference between ENG1 and ML5 medicals