Cornish Fishing Benefits from Newly Trained Crew
Our Introduction to Commercial Fishing Course has 9 New Graduates
The improved and refined course to train new commercial fishing crew successfully graduated all nine candidates in July 2022.
The trainees were not all sure about fishing or seafood as a career until they attended a taster event in May or June where they learned about the reality of working in fishing. To explode the myths and give an authentic view of opportunities these Taster Events included a harbour tour, vessel tours and dialogue with representatives from the fishing sector, including skippers from the Cornish Fish Producer Organisation.
The graduates spent 15 days training on the Introduction to Commercial Fishing course, delivered by Seafood Cornwall Training in Newlyn. The course was first created 12 years ago, and learning has been overhauled and updated by Seafish. New units joined the existing delivery and included financial management for self-employed fishermen, chilling and stowage of the catch on board, as well as net making and mending. These newly refreshed training units gave some of the trainees a chance to show their flair and discover aspirations to learn more.
By adding these units, the completion of the 15 days gave all trainees a good grounding across the catching sector. They learned about topics such as fisheries management, vessel operation, caring for the catch, watchkeeping, navigation, fishing vessel engines and gear operation. Trainees also gained routes towards the type of fishing and working that would suit them.
In addition, the trainees have achieved their qualifications in the four mandatory sea safety training in Sea Survival, First Aid, Fire Fighting and Health & Safety which allows them to take a berth and work on board fishing vessels.
The ICF course is currently fully funded for participants, thanks to grants secured by Seafish from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
We usually run this course once a year, have a look at our Introduction to Commercial Fishing Course Page to find out more.