Navigation and Bridge Watchkeeping

Two-day and Five-day navigation and watchkeeping courses


5 Days or 2 Days


£720 or £325 (Funding Available)

This course is intended for anyone taking a navigational watch on any vessel. It forms part of the under 16.5m Skippers Ticket.

The five-day Navigation and Bridge Watchkeeping course is intended for anyone taking a navigational watch and skippers of vessels less than 16.5m operating beyond 20nm miles of a safe haven.

There is also a two-day navigation and Watchkeeping course, intended for skippers of vessels less than 16.5m operating within 20nm miles of a safe haven.


Thanks to support from the Department for Transport and the European Maritime Fisheries Fund, Seafish is currently able to fund the tuition fees for this course for experienced fishermen, providing they hold certificates in Health & Safety, Sea Survival, First Aid, Fire Fighting and Safety Awareness.

Course Aim

This course aims to provide the skills associated with keeping a safe navigational watch. 

By the end of this course you should be able to:
• Explain the principles of watchkeeping
• Understand the rules of the road
• Explain principles of safe navigation
• Explain the uses and limitations of electronic navigational aids
• Explain the IALA buoyage system
• Understand lights, shapes and sounds in navigation
• Understand vessel emergency procedures

Examination Type

This course is assessed by ongoing practical assessment and an end of course exam (40 multiple choice and short answer questions plus chartwork assessment).
Anyone with dyslexia or other learning needs should inform the instructor during the course or the course administrator at the time of booking.

To apply for your place or find out more:

Upcoming Courses

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April 2025
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